For Small Business Owners, Coaches, Speakers, Entrepreneurs, Influencers and Community Leaders ready to uplevel their impact, influence and income...

Become a published author, skyrocket your audience, and call in a steady stream of dream clients who hang on your every word

(WITHOUT needing to be a great writer or spending  endless hours hunched over a keyboard)

If you've ever dreamed of being a published author, but thought you lacked the time and/or writing skills to make it a reality, then this is for YOU…


Your low-cost, quick and easy way to becoming a published author.

Join The Revolution Now!

What Makes It Outstanding

Not just a journal, an experience...


Guided Expertise

Unique daily prompts, ensuring a journey filled with depth, reflection, and enlightenment.

Evolving Perspectives

Each page reveals a new perspective, broadening your thinking about possibilities and encouraging you to expand your vision.

Enhanced Well-Being

Embrace the proven benefits of journaling, from stress relief to intensified self-awareness, all curated for YOU.

Beautifully Crafted

Not just a journal, but a keepsake. Every detail, from cover to content, is meticulously designed.


A Journal That Talks Back

'My Talking Journal' communicates with you. A truly immersive experience that's sure to inspire

Perfect For:

  • Those seeking clarity and purpose.
  • Lifelong learners hungry for varied perspectives.
  • Anyone wanting to add a sprinkle of mindfulness to their daily routine.

BONUS: More than a journal, each page is an exciting conduit to the perspectives of today's influential thought leaders.

Discover new and provocative authors, coaches, and industry leaders with every turn of the page.


Being a business owner or a self-employed entrepreneur comes with its own unique challenges.

A huge upside is the freedom and flexibility to set your own schedule, work from where you choose, and have more control over your time and life. Yay!!

But on the downside, when it comes to raising your visibility, marketing, promotions and audience building... the buck definitely stops with you.

And sadly, if you're like many passion-driven entrepreneurs, that whole “visibility/marketing/promotions/audience building thing” is not really in your wheelhouse... it feels SO hard, heavy and time consuming.

You know you'd be MUCH happier spending more of your time and energy doing what you do best: helping people and making the difference you came here to make BUT…

…without enough marketing and promotions, you're not reaching your ideal clients—which means they don't know about you—which means you can't help them anyway.

Uuugh! It's a vicious cycle.

It’s a BIG challenge because running a business or managing multiple roles often leaves you with very limited time or energy for marketing and content creation.

However, in today’s saturated and competitive marketplace, pro-actively marketing yourself is no longer optional… it’s absolutely crucial to your business’ survival.

You MUST constantly be on the lookout for ways to stand out from the crowd, expand your reach, build your credibility, and increase your audience.

Just thinking about it can be exhausting!

You're not alone in wishing there was an easier way to get the word out about your awesomeness and build an audience of dream clients and buyers... without sacrificing even MORE of your precious time and energy to the hungry jaws of the marketing and promotions beast.


Becoming a published author is a fast-track solution to up-levelling your credibility and establishing authority in your industry. (see that clue right in there? 'Author'-ity.)


But most people think it's totally out of reach because they believe it's expensive, you have to be some kind of literary genius, and you need all the time in the world to dedicate to writing.

While that may have been true in the past…things have changed.


Now there are a ton of super affordable ways to get published. We know this because it’s our specialty… helping ordinary people become authors without breaking the bank.

In fact, we’ve helped well over five hundrend people from all walks of life to realize their dream of becoming published authors. Whether their goal was to grow their business, share their wisdom, educate or entertain their audience, or leave a lasting legacy… it’s our mission to help people make the difference they came here to make.

(You can read more in my bio below.)

But up until now, when it came to business owners with very little time on their hands and lacking a talent for writing, there were limited options.

One fantastic way around it for some of them was to be part of a compilation book. For many people that's a real dream come true - all the glory without all of the writing responsibility. Yay! Plus, other people to help promote the book and offset costs. Double yay!!

But it still left a lot of people, especially those who don’t have a natural knack for writing, sitting on the sidelines as the “published author” train left the station.

That just didn’t sit right with us.

So we came up with a revolutionary solution that we’re super proud of, and we think you’re going to love too


Introducing “My Talking Journal”

The low cost, high impact, crowd-pleasing alternative to traditional forms of book publishing… created especially for busy Business Owners who may lack the time or skills to contribute a whole written chapter to a compilation book (but don’t want to miss out on the huge boost to their business being a published author  can bring)…. at a price anybody can afford!

Seriously. We hesitated to use the phrase “no brainer” because it’s SO overused. But actually… if the shoe fits, wear it, right?!

We’re going to be publishing 6 exciting journals centered around these popular journaling topics: Love, Money, Faith, Nature, Gratitude and Success.

Each journal will showcase content from 100 trailblazing contributors (we call them our “Masters and Mavens”)… Entrepreneurs, Coaches and Thought Leaders like you.

But instead of having to submit a full, written piece for inclusion… all you need to do is create a short video, sharing your passion and wisdom (we’ll embed a link to your video on your very own double page spread inside the journal).

It’s that simple.


Here's How It Works - as simple as 1-2-3.


Here’s how it works:

Simply pick the journal topic that appeals to you, plus would be a great showcase for your talents and gifts (one that your audience would be excited to see you featured in).

Create a 3-minute video sharing your unique perspective on the topic. (Don’t worry, we’ll give you guidance to help you narrow down what you speak about so that your message reflects your insights in a way that’s as fresh and original as you are.)

Upload your video to your Youtube channel and provide us the link. We’ll use that to create your custom QR code, which readers and journalers will follow to hear your inspiring message.

Send us your headshot, expert title, plus a link to your preferred platform, where people can get to know you further. We have guidelines for all this too, if you need them. ;)

And we do the rest.

We’ll use our connections, contacts and long experience in the publishing industry to pull everything together into a beautiful journal that’s listed on Amazon and ready to market.

Finally get all the benefits of being a published author without the hassle.

Here's how to leverage your journal to increase your audience, gain visibility and expand your sphere of influence:


  • Sell it on your website for an extra revenue stream
  • Create buzz and ignite engagement on social media
  • Use it as "the ultimate business card"
  • Use it as a tool to inspire, educate and prime your audience to move forward with you
  • Use it as a BONUS to inspire sign-ups to your programs/courses/events
  • Drive traffic to your Youtube channel/grow your audience
  • Use it to bring more attention to your subject
  • Enhance your personal brand and attract new opportunities
  • Elevate your status as a thought leader within your audience/community/niche
  • Increase your network and build relationships with other authors
  • Get visibility as part of a positive and enlightening project
  • Uncover collaboration opportunities with other contributors
  • Tap into their networks and readership, expanding your reach beyond your existing audience
  • Be seen as an author by creating your own Amazon author page
  • Share your superpowers and be part of a ripple effect
  • Generate opportunities to speak on stages, podcasts, radio shows... even TV

Of course, as a featured Master or Maven, you will also be entitled to purchase copies of the journal at a deep discount for resale or self promotion.

Best of all, becoming one of our amazing contributing Masters or Mavens costs just $49!

What… just $49 bucks?? For real? What’s the catch?

Yep, it’s kind of unbelievable, right?

But it IS for real…

…and there’s no catch.

We genuinely wanted to make this opportunity open and accessible to everyone.


  • Your name as the Author on the cover of a professionally published book
  • Your book beautifully reveals your transformative message to your dedicated audience, showcasing your unique perspective
  • Your voice in the company of and collaboration with other talented, respected contributors

Your time is now. Don't let this opportunity pass you by. Become part of our community today and secure your spot as a valued contributor for just $49.

Yes, I Want In!

Take It To The Next Level

Uplevel to the 'Heart's Desire' Experience!

This option is right for you if you:

  • Have more than one area of expertise
  • Have plenty to contribute from your wealth of knowledge and experience

Increase the showcase frequency in each journal and choose your level of contribution.

The Heart's Desire Experience

Get The Ultimate Experience

For an entirely customized journal, this option features your own... add in what's included - bullet points recommended.

Yes, Ultimate for Me

We genuinely wanted to make this opportunity open and accessible to everyone.

Meet your publisher…


Natalie McQueen is a Legacy Expert and the founder of Gifts of Legacy. She is a seven-time bestselling author, publisher, and director of international bestseller marketing with Elite Publications, certified in Mindset Mastery, and the Create Your Legacy speaker and coach.

Natalie is a publishing & best-selling expert. Her powerful bestseller marketing techniques have successfully brought over 500 authors to the #1 international bestseller rankings.

She has organized and published many compilation/anthology series including The Gifts Of The Universe: Through Women That Lead which was endorsed by Mark Victor Hansen. Natalie has also published three out of four of the books in The Art of Connection: 365 Days of Quotes by Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and Influencers. Each of these books have 365 authors' submissions.

After a near-death experience, she realized the importance of sharing with loved ones the treasures you hold within you - your legacy story. Natalie wrote her own book Gifts Of Legacy: The Ultimate Blueprint for Generations to Enjoy, to tell her story and help others never to feel as unprepared as she did, as far as leaving her legacy to the world.

Her personal mission is to encourage people to share their wisdom of their life through their heart-felt messages through Legacy books, business books, anthologies, and memoirs. Gifts Of Legacy empowers families for generations to create, live, and preserve their gift of a worthy life well lived.

Her motto: Don’t leave a mess, Leave a Legacy!

There’s never been an easier or more affordable way to become a published expert.


Picture YOUR name printed in this beautiful journal, featuring your unique voice and perspective, alongside a community of talented contributors.

This is an unprecedented opportunity, and incredibly…you can be a part of it for only $49!

By signing up today, you'll not only secure your place as a valued contributor but also join a movement of passionate Business Owners and visionary Thought Leaders who are making a real difference in the world.

Don’t delay, spots will fill rapidly.

Move quickly to take advantage of this highly leverage-able opportunity and reap all the incredible benefits of being a contributor to a compilation book… with very little time and effort on your part.

We’re excited to help you increase your visibility, boost your authority and let your words of wisdom spread their magic in the world.

To more powerful, positive ripples,


Yes, I Want In!

Be a part of this epic movement! Say YES and inspire the world with your video messages of gratitude. We are looking for 50 people to change the history of Journaling and create the very first Talking Journal focused on the video messages of Gratitude.

Sign up TODAY and secure your place as a valued 2 Video Message voice of inspiration in this much-needed time and also gain these benefits :

  • Be seen as an Author
  • Create Instant Authority & Share Your Business Magic in your Video
  • Share your wisdom and connect with readers worldwide
  • Inspire others with your own Inspirational Messages
  • Access to Discount Author Copies for Your Use and for Resale - Extra Revenue Stream
  • Receive Daily Inspirational Prompts from the other 98 Unique Messages in the Journal


Sign up TODAY and secure your place as a valued 2 Video Message voice of inspiration in this much-needed time and also gain these benefits :

ALL FOR $49???