Are you a Community Leader, Coach, Speaker, or Influencer with a following and really want to be a part of this epic new way to take Journaling to the Next Level? "

Are you a Community Leader, Coach, Speaker, or Influencer with a sizable following and really want to be a part of this epic new way to take Journaling to the Next Level?

The talking journal is a unique concept. We believe that the benefits of journaling can be enhanced through having mentor experts (what we call our Masters & Mavens) give daily journal promptings to guide, inspire, and expand the reader’s perspective. Journaling daily can intensify your personal growth, self-reflection, and overall well-being.

My Talking Journal is taking journaling to next level.

To fully understand this opportunity and how to successfully bring it to your community review the My Talking Journal Terms:



The person who purchases the journal. Someone who journals a lot.


The expert from your community who purchases a page to leave their message.

Organizer – You

The person who wants their own journal using their topic & their community connections to find their own Masters & Mavins.

Ready to MAKE THIS YOUR OWN and MAX OUT the My Talking Journal opportunity?


Join The Revolution Now!

Has your brain already leapt into action, working on figuring out the best way to leverage a whole journal, under your authorship, with your community?

If that’s you, then we have a couple of awesome options (+ stellar marketing outcomes) for you, depending on your goals and situation… plus one thousand irresistible reasons to make this your easiest yes ever!


You’d love to offer your community the chance to get in on this concept: You’re confident 100 spots would be easy to fill at this no-brainer price. Not only do you give your people an amazing marketing and promo opportunity (yay, you!) but also, you get all the great marketing “glow up” that headlining a book brings. And that’s not all—you now have 100 highly motivated people actively engaged in sharing your authority with their followers. Win/win/win.

You’d love a whole journal with just YOUR voice, vibe, and messaging on every page: You’re already counting the ways you’ll be able to use it as an unbeatable authority builder, teaching tool, cool bonus, and/or lead magnet. Maybe you’re even picturing the journals bringing in some extra cash flow with back of the room sales or on Amazon, while simultaneously sending your credibility through the roof. Niiiice!


Whichever option you choose, we recommend that you’re sitting down for this next part:

If you’re all in on this and ready to make it happen… we’ll PAY you for Option #1 and we’ll offer you a BIG discount for Option#2.

How that works: For each journal you fill (either by taking all 100 spots yourself, or by filling them with contributors from your community), we’ll give you a $1000 reward.

Yes, you’ll end up MAKING money to publish, instead of PAYING to publish for Option 1.

If that sounds like music to your ears and you want all the details, simply Click Here NOW to arrange a time to chat with Natalie. If we have already talked and you are ready to get started, then click the link here to pay the deposit to get your landing page built!


Click Here to Pay

You can be a part of this epic concept by sharing your message about your journaling topic of choice.


Here is how it works:


You say YES to be an organizer to host your own journal

Click the link above to get on my calendar to talk about Your Journal Topic & get started!

You make the $250 deposit to get started.

We create your journal cover & landing page to feature your journal idea and concept

You start sharing the landing page out to the Masters and Mavins in your community that will make your journal amazing!

They have two choices to purchase. Either purchase 1 or 2 pages:

  • $49 for 1 page - 1 message - two-page spread
  • $98 for 2 pages - 2 messages - 2- two-page spreads

Fill 100 Spots from the combination above.

Our system will provide instructions and the way to collect the items including the Masters and Mavins messages.

We assemble all the Masters and Mavin’s messages into your journal, format for beautifying and then publish so it is ready for the world to enjoy!

We Reward You with $1000 for Publishing with My Talking Journal.


Here are just SOME of the myriad ways you can leverage your journal to grow your business and influence:


  • Sell it on your website for an extra revenue stream
  • Create buzz and ignite engagement on social media
  • Use it as "the ultimate business card"
  • Use it as a tool to inspire, educate and prime your audience to move forward with you
  • Use it as a BONUS to inspire sign-ups to your programs/courses/events
  • Drive traffic to your YouTube channel/grow your audience
  • Use it to bring more attention to your subject
  • Enhance your personal brand and attract new opportunities
  • Elevate your status as a thought leader within your audience/community/niche
  • Increase your network and build relationships with other authors
  • Get visibility as part of a positive and enlightening project
  • Uncover collaboration opportunities with other contributors
  • Tap into their networks and readership, expanding your reach beyond your existing audience
  • Be seen as an author by creating your own Amazon author page
  • Share your superpowers and be part of a ripple effect

Best of all, becoming one of our amazing contributing masters or mavens costs just $49!

What… just $49 bucks?? For real? What’s the catch?

Yep, it’s kind of unbelievable, right?

But it IS for real…

…and there’s no catch.


Join The Revolution Now!

Become the Visionary Behind Your Own Talking Journal!

Are You a Community Leader, Coach, Influencer, or Speaker? Dive into the revolutionary world of journaling by leading your community to new depths of self-discovery!

Introducing: The Organizer's Special for 'My Talking Journal'

Your Influence, Your Message, Your Journal

Why Embrace the Organizer Role?


Join The Revolution Now!

Why Embrace the Organizer Role?


Empower and Guide

Collaborate with Masters & Mavens in your community. Shape the narrative by curating thought-provoking prompts that inspire, guide, and expand perspectives.

Showcase Your Expertise

Elevate your brand! As the Organizer, your voice and leadership become the foundation of a journal that many will treasure.

Community Growth

By introducing your followers to this enhanced journaling experience, you're offering them more than a product – you're gifting personal growth and a collective journey.

Financial Incentives

Yes, it's not just about passion. We recognize your effort! Fill your journal and enjoy lucrative rewards.

Ready to MAKE THIS YOUR OWN and MAX OUT the My Talking Journal opportunity?

Has your brain already leapt into action, working on figuring out the best way to leverage a whole journal, under your authorship, with your community?

If that’s you, then we have a couple of awesome options (+ stellar marketing outcomes) for you, depending on your goals and situation… plus one thousand irresistible reasons to make this your easiest yes ever!


You’d love to offer your community the chance to get in on this concept: You’re confident 100 spots would be easy to fill at this no-brainer price. Not only do you give your people an amazing marketing and promo opportunity (yay, you!) but also, you get all the great marketing “glow up” that headlining a book brings. And that’s not all—you now have 100 highly motivated people actively engaged in sharing your authority with their followers. Win/win/win.

You’d love a whole journal with just YOUR voice, vibe, and messaging on every page: You’re already counting the ways you’ll be able to use it as an unbeatable authority builder, teaching tool, cool bonus, and/or lead magnet. Maybe you’re even picturing the journals bringing in some extra cash flow with back of the room sales or on Amazon, while simultaneously sending your credibility through the roof. Niiiice!


Whichever option you choose, we recommend that you’re sitting down for this next part:

If you’re all in on this and ready to make it happen… we’ll PAY you for Option #1 and we’ll offer you a BIG discount for Option#2.

How that works: For each journal you fill (either by taking all 100 spots yourself, or by filling them with contributors from your community), we’ll give you a $1000 reward.

Yes, you’ll end up MAKING money to publish, instead of PAYING to publish for Option 1.

If that sounds like music to your ears and you want all the details, simply Click Here NOW to arrange a time to chat with Natalie. If we have already talked and you are ready to get started, then click the link here to pay the deposit to get your landing page built!


Influencer Package (Option 1)

Influencer Package (Option 1)-product.jpg


Influencer Package (Option 2)

Influencer Package (Option 2)-product.jpg


We genuinely wanted to make this opportunity open and accessible to everyone.

Meet your publisher…


Natalie McQueen is a Legacy Expert and the founder of Gifts of Legacy. She is a seven-time bestselling author, publisher, and director of international bestseller marketing with Elite Publications, certified in Mindset Mastery, and the Create Your Legacy speaker and coach.

Natalie is a publishing & best-selling expert. Her powerful bestseller marketing techniques have successfully brought over 500 authors to the #1 international bestseller rankings.

She has organized and published many compilation/anthology series including The Gifts Of The Universe: Through Women That Lead which was endorsed by Mark Victor Hansen. Natalie has also published three out of four of the books in The Art of Connection: 365 Days of Quotes by Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and Influencers. Each of these books have 365 authors' submissions.

After a near-death experience, she realized the importance of sharing with loved ones the treasures you hold within you - your legacy story. Natalie wrote her own book Gifts Of Legacy: The Ultimate Blueprint for Generations to Enjoy, to tell her story and help others never to feel as unprepared as she did, as far as leaving her legacy to the world.

Her personal mission is to encourage people to share their wisdom of their life through their heart-felt messages through Legacy books, business books, anthologies, and memoirs. Gifts Of Legacy empowers families for generations to create, live, and preserve their gift of a worthy life well lived.

Her motto: Don’t leave a mess, Leave a Legacy!

There’s never been an easier or more affordable way to become a published expert.

Picture YOUR name printed in this beautiful journal, featuring your unique voice and perspective, alongside a community of talented contributors.

This is an unprecedented opportunity, and incredibly…you can offer this opportunity to your tribe to be a part of it for only $49!

By signing up today, you'll not only secure your place as a valued My Talking Journal Organizer, but also join a movement of passionate business owners and visionary thought leaders who are making a real difference in the world.

Don’t delay, let’s get your Journal started.

Move quickly to take advantage of this highly leverage-able opportunity and reap all the incredible benefits of being an organizer to a compilation book… with very little time and effort on your part.

We’re excited to help you increase your visibility, boost your authority, and let your words of wisdom spread their magic in the world.

Other Benefits Options we can offer for your Experts Masters/Mavens

  • They get seen every time a journal is sold
  • They can purchase at wholesale prices and sell them back of room or on their own website
  • They have the option to Create Their Own Custom Covers for an extra charge.
  • Their YouTube Channel will get

Looking forward to helping you to make some powerful and positive ripples!
